Freedom of information
You have the right by law to request documents from us.
The law is the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act).
You can request:
- documents about our activities
- documents about your personal affairs
- that we amend or remove information about you that is incorrect or misleading.
Our freedom of information officer makes decisions about access to documents.
They will inform you of their decision in no longer than 30 days from the date they receive your request.
How to make a request
You can make a request yourself, or authorise another person to make a request for you.
If you want someone to make a request for you about your personal information, you must give them your written permission.
To make a request:
- post or email your request to us
- clearly describe the documents you are requesting access to. If the documents are about your personal information, you must give us evidence of your identity, for example, a copy of your drivers licence
- include the application fee or evidence that you qualify to have the fee waived.
The application fee between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025 is $32.70. This fee goes up on 1 July every year.
Some documents are exempt from release under the FOI Act.
This means:
- we may not be able to give you access to them
- we may only be able to give you access to part of them.
We will respond to you in writing if the documents you requested are exempt or partially exempt. We will also explain our reasons and how you can have the decision reviewed.
How to correct personal information
To ask us to change personal information in a VEC document, you must do so in writing. You need to include:
- your contact address and telephone number
- the changes that you would like us to make
- why you believe the information should be changed.
To make a request, write to:
Freedom of information officer
Victorian Electoral Commission
Level 11, 530 Collins Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Phone: (03) 8620 1100
Information we keep (FOI Act Part II statements)
The FOI Act requires us to publish a range of information about:
- our functions and procedures
- the types of documents we keep
- reports and publications
- FOI arrangements.