How-to-vote card guidelines
A how-to-vote card is a printed guide prepared by a party, group, independent candidate, or others, that shows how they want you to fill out your ballot paper. They are sometimes referred to by the acronym 'HTVC'.
A single how-to-vote card has voting instructions for one district or one region only. Anyone can register a single how-to-vote card, including:
- independent candidates
- registered political parties
- registered Upper House groups
- community groups
- businesses
- trade unions
- members of the public.
A how-to-vote card must be registered with us and be properly authorised if it is:
- handed out within 400 metres of a voting centre on election day
- distributed by our mobile voting teams.
A how-to-vote card doesn't have to be registered with us, but must be still properly authorised if it is:
- handed out more than 400 metres from a voting centre on election day
- handed out at an early voting centre.
There are penalties for how-to-vote cards that are incorrectly authorised.
You can find comprehensive instructions for registering a how-to-vote card in the candidate handbook. Registrations are only allowed within specific registration windows during an election.
How-to-vote card archive
Browse an archive of how-to-vote cards: