
All funding and disclosure values increase on 1 July each year.

This is according to section 217Q of the Electoral Act 2002.

Financial year




Donation disclosure threshold $1,210 $1,170 $1,080
General donation cap $4,850 $4,670 $4,320
Small contributions $60 or less $58 or less $54 or less
Administrative expenditure funding for independent elected members $242,400 $233,490 $216,210
Administrative expenditure funding for registered political parties

Capped at 45 members.
$242,400 for the first member

$84,830 for the 2nd

$42,430 for the 3rd to 45th
$233,490 for the first member

$81,710 for the 2nd

$40,870 for the 3rd to 45th
$216,210 for the first member

$75,660 for the 2nd

$37,850 for the 3rd to 45th
Public funding

Per first preference vote
Legislative Assembly candidates: $7.28

Legislative Council candidates: $3.63
Legislative Assembly candidates: $7.01

Legislative Council candidates: $3.50
Legislative Assembly candidates: $6.49

Legislative Council candidates: $3.24
Policy development funding $1.21 per first preference vote or $30,290 (whichever is more) $1.17 per first preference vote or $29,180 (whichever is more) $1.08 per first preference vote or $27,020 (whichever is more)

A penalty unit for the 2024-25 financial year is $197.59. More information on penalty units.

Historical data

  • 1 July 2018 - 30 June 2022

    Financial year





    Donation disclosure threshold $1,050 $1,040 $1,020 $1,000
    General donation cap $4,210 $4,160 $4,080 $4,000
    Small contributions $53 or less $52 or less $51 or less $50 or less
    Administrative expenditure funding for independent elected members $210,870 $208,200 $204,100 $200,000
    Administrative expenditure funding for registered political parties

    Capped at 45 members.
    $210,870 for the first member

    $73,790 for the 2nd

    $36,910 for the 3rd to 45th
    $208,200 for the first member

    $72,860 for the 2nd

    $36,440 for the 3rd to 45th
    $204,100 for the first member

    $71,430 for the 2nd

    $35,720 for the 3rd to 45th
    $200,000 for the first member

    $70,000 for the 2nd

    $35,000 for the 3rd to 45th
    Public funding

    Per first preference vote
    Legislative Assembly candidates: $6.33

    Legislative Council candidates: $3.16
    Legislative Assembly candidates: $6.25

    Legislative Council candidates: $3.12
    Legislative Assembly candidates: $6.12

    Legislative Council candidates: $3.06
    Legislative Assembly candidates: $6

    Legislative Council candidates: $3
    Policy development funding $1.05 per first preference vote or $26,350 (whichever is more) $1.04 per first preference vote or $26,020 (whichever is more) $1.02 per first preference vote or $25,510 (whichever is more) $1 per first preference vote or $25,000 (whichever is more)