How to nominate

Upcoming by-elections

Nominations are now open for:

  • Prahran District by-election
  • Werribee District by-election.

Nominations for registered political party (RPP) candidates are managed by the political party’s registered officer. Independent candidates must follow a different process.

Election Election day Nominations open Nominations close (RPPs) Nominations close (independents)
Prahran District by-election Saturday 8 February 9 am on Monday 23 December 12 noon on Thursday 16 January 12 noon on Friday 17 January
Werribee District by-election Saturday 8 February 9 am on Tuesday 7 January 12 noon on Thursday 23 January 12 noon on Friday 24 January

Independent candidates

Independent candidates must make an appointment at the election office to lodge their nomination form and deposit in person:
Election Prahran District by-election Werribee District by-election

Suite 3.02, Level 3,
8 Palmerston Crescent, South Melbourne

Victorian Electoral Commission,
Level 11, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne*

Phone 03 9678 1404 03 8620 1316
Opening hours Monday 6 January to Friday 7 February: 9 am to 5 pm (business days only)

Our office is open 8:30 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday. We are not open on public holidays.

*Details for a local election office in Werribee District will be available after the close of nominations.

You can use our Candidate Helper tool to help you to prepare your nomination online. Candidate Helper will be available until nominations close.

We strongly encourage you to use Candidate Helper to prepare your nomination forms. You must print out and take these forms with you to your nomination appointment.

Candidate Helper

Please only contact the election office to make your nomination appointment. For all other queries, please call 131 832 or email us at

How to use Candidate Helper

  • Step 1: Check your eligibility

    You must be correctly enrolled to vote in Victoria to become a candidate. You don’t need to live in the district you are nominating for but your nomination must be supported by 6 people who are enrolled there.

    You cannot nominate if you:

    • are not enrolled
    • are a judge of a court of Victoria
    • have been convicted or found guilty of an offence with a prison term of 5 years or more in a Victorian or federal court
    • are an undischarged bankrupt
    • are a member of either House of the Commonwealth Parliament.

    You can stand for election, but can't take office without resigning first if you are:

    • a local government councillor
    • a Victorian Public Service employee
    • an Australian Public Service employee.

    You should check your workplace’s policies about standing for election and campaigning while in your role. Some organisations may ask you to take leave from your position while you are campaigning. 

    If you have dual citizenship, you are eligible to nominate.

    If you're not sure if you're eligible to nominate, seek independent legal advice.

  • Step 2: Start your nomination form

    Visit Candidate Helper to start your nomination form.

    1. Select 'Start a new form'.
    2. Select the relevant election (i.e. 'Prahran District').
    3. Click on 'Nomination form'.
  • Step 3: Provide your personal details

    In the nomination form, fill in your details exactly as they appear on the roll:

    • your full name
    • your date of birth
    • your enrolled address
    • your postal address (if it's different to your enrolled address).

    Please note that rural addresses must include any roadside mailbox (RMB) or roadside delivery (RSD) numbers.

    This needs to match your enrolment record. Check your enrolment before you get started to make sure your details match.

    You will also need to supply your preferred contact details. We will use this to contact you throughout the election. This information is for official use only and will not be available on our website.

  • Step 4: Provide your ballot paper and public contact information

    Confirm the way your name will appear on the ballot paper.

    Ballot paper names must appear with your family name in capitals followed by a comma, and your given name(s) in sentence case. For example:

    • ATKIN, Tim
    • NGUYEN, Van Nam

    You then must provide an email address and at least one phone number, which will be published on this website. You cannot nominate without these contact details. 

    You can give us the contact details of your campaign manager or create a dedicated campaign phone number and email address. You can also list your own phone number and email address but please remember these details will be publicly available on this website until election day.

    You must also give us the details of a contact person we can call if there are any complaints or enquiries about your campaign signage. This person must be available and ready to respond to issues during the busy periods of the by-election. This includes at short notice and outside of business hours.

    You can provide the same contact details each time Candidate Helper asks for them.

  • Step 5: Print and sign your nomination form

    Print and sign your nomination form when you have finished entering your details.

    Select ‘Print form’, then select 'Nomination form' to generate and print your nomination form.

    You will need a program that can read PDFs to open this file. You can download Adobe Reader, Foxit, or other free PDF readers to access this file. 

    Please take note of the reference number in the top right-hand corner of the form.

  • Step 6: Get support for your nomination (your nominators)

    You need at least 6 people to support your nomination. These people are your nominators.

    Your nominators must be enrolled to vote in the district you are nominating for.

    Ask your nominators to record their details on your nomination form. We'll check these details against the electoral roll when you submit your nomination.

    Collect their:

    • full name (as shown on the electoral roll)
    • address where they are enrolled to vote
    • date of birth
    • signature.

    It's a good idea to collect more than 6 nominators, just in case we cannot find some of them on the electoral roll when you nominate.

  • Step 7: Lodge your nomination

    To finalise your nomination, make an appointment at the election office to submit your form in person.

    Election Prahran District by-election Werribee District by-election

    Suite 3.02, Level 3,
    8 Palmerston Crescent, South Melbourne

    Victorian Electoral Commission,
    Level 11, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne*

    Phone 03 9678 1404 03 8620 1316
    Opening hours

    Monday 6 January to Friday 7 February: 9 am to 5 pm (business days only)

    Our office is open 8:30 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday. We are not open on public holidays.

    *Details for a local election office in Werribee District will be available after the close of nominations.

    Make sure you bring:

    • your printed and signed nomination form
    • details of your nominators
    • a $350 deposit.

    Your deposit must be either cash or a bank cheque made payable to 'Victorian Electoral Commission'.

    We cannot accept personal cheques, credit or debit card payments, or money orders.

  • Registered political party candidates

    If you're a candidate endorsed by a registered political party, your party will lodge your nomination for you.

    Candidate resources

    The candidate handbooks and kits are your comprehensive source of truth during all stages of a by-election.

    Candidate resources