Final results for the Prahran District by-election are now available.
Interested in voting statistics? Download our early and postal voting summary report.
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Didn't vote?
If you were on the electoral roll for this by-election and didn’t vote, you might receive an ‘Apparent failure to vote’ notice in the coming months. This notice is your chance to explain why it appears you did not vote. Please respond to it, as not responding may lead to a fine.
More information about fines and reviews.
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Interstate or overseas?
If you were interstate or overseas during this by-election and couldn’t vote, you should let us know. Go to Check my enrolment, enter your details and complete the ‘Away from Victoria’ form. Please keep records of your travel in case we need to verify this.
Check my enrolment
If you applied for a postal vote from interstate or overseas, we must receive your completed postal vote by 6pm on Friday 14 February for your vote to count.
If you have moved interstate, update your details with the Australian Electoral Commission. They will notify us that you have moved.
Political donations laws
There are strict laws that regulate political donations in Victoria. These laws set the rules on:
- who can make a political donation (including a ban on foreign donations)
- the maximum value of political donations
- when you must disclose any political donations that you make or receive.
If you give or receive a political donation of $1,210 or more, you must report it using VEC Disclosures.
You cannot donate more than $4,850 to any one recipient within the 4 years between state elections. The current donations period began on 27 November 2022 and will end on Saturday 28 November 2026 (the next Victorian state election).
You can find a record of all political donations in Victoria since 2018 on VEC Disclosures.
Learn more about political donations.