Vote by phone: Prahran District by-election

You can vote by phone in the Prahran District by-election if you are blind, have low vision or you have a physical disability and need help to cast your vote.

We will share detailed instructions on how to register and vote by phone on Wednesday 29 January 2025.

Secret voting

Here's how we keep your vote anonymous when you're voting by phone:

  • An election official will help you register to vote.
  • A different election official, who does not know your identity, will take your vote.
  • The person taking your vote will not see your name or address. Instead, you identify yourself with a unique registration ID and a 4-digit pin.
  • While your vote is being marked on the ballot paper, a second election official will listen to the conversation to make sure your vote is being marked on the ballot paper exactly how you have said. They will repeat it back to you to verify your vote was cast as intended.
  • Scrutineers, who represent the candidates, can watch the election officials' processes. They are not allowed to listen to your phone conversation.

Before you vote

We recommend you research the candidates and decide who you want to vote for before you call us to vote.

We cannot give you advice on who to vote for, or any information about the candidates.

You can read about the candidates in the news, on social media or contact them directly to find out what they stand for.

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